To love and lose and still be kind

2 min read4 days ago


Life's a funny thing, isn’t it? You meet people, share laughs, create memories, and sometimes, you end up loving them. Even when things fall apart, that love doesn’t just vanish. Holding onto it can be tough, but it’s also a beautiful reminder of what you had. Just because you lose someone doesn't mean you’re left with nothing. You carry those moments in your heart, and that’s worth something.

It’s okay to feel hurt when you lose someone special. You might want to shut everyone out and curl up in your blanket, but remember, there’s still a world out there waiting for you. Kindness is a choice, and depending on how you want to handle things, that choice can bring light, not only to others but also to yourself. A small smile, a helping hand, or just listening can go a long way. You never know who might need it.

So, even when things get tough, choose to be kind. Let the love you’ve had inspire you to be better, not bitter. Remember the good times, but also embrace the lessons learned. Life’s all about ups and downs, and it’s how you treat others along the way that matters the most. You can love, you can lose, and still shine bright through it all.

